Send Python CGI files to Web server with FTP and setup. Procedures aer Followings.
1.Make sure the first line of shssl.cgi is maths to your Web server's environment.
If the first line of the file is not matches to your Web server's environment, modify to the Web servers python path.
For example, your Web server's python path is
, modify first line from,
2.Modify the content of follows to your server environments.Line 8,
FTP_SERVER = 'localhost'
Modify localhost to your FTP server name.
Line 10,
SSL_SERVER = 'localhost'
Modify localhost to your SSL server name.
Line 12,
If yor FTP servers's link name is case insensitive, modify the value from False to True.
3.Send all Python CGI files to the Webserver.Make sure all files are copied into the same directory.
4.Add execute permission to file.Most server environments, file mode will be 755, But follow the specification of your Web server.