WebPiece Help
What is WebPiece?
Introduction of WebPiece URL list window.
Introduction of WebPiece web browser window.
Ever since WWW has emerged into the world, Web Browser has greatly grown into a developed platform of the modern computing.
So many users use their web browsers in order to achieve their missions in their critical jobs.
Now data sources are spreading into the whole world and all of this data is concentrated into your favorite Web Browser.
But, thers are so many tiny web applications, like time card, spam killer CGIs, etc still exist.
WebPiece is a tiny Web Browser, which manipulates tiny web pages like the above.
Now, these tiny web pages are not suitable for display in the full spec browsers like Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc.
Why don't you use WebPiece to control these tiny pages and cleanup your favorite browser's windows, tabs and bookmarks?
Producted by Comona Co,. Ltd.