File Name Format Flags.
"File Name Format edit" on Main Window can use following flags to format png file name.
"Number Edit" on Main Window is the counter argument.
%yyyy%current date time4 digit year.
%yy%current date time2 digit year.
%MM%current date time2 digit month.
%M%current date time1 digit month.
%MON%current date timeName of month.
%dd%current date time2 digit day of month.
%d%current date time1 digit day of month.
%ap%current date timeAM/PM.
%HH%current date time2 digit hour of 24 hours.
%H%current date time1 digit hour of 24 hours.
%hh%current date time2 digit hour of 12 hours.
%h%current date time1 digit hour of 12 hours.
%mm%current date time2 digit minutes.
%m%current date time1 digit minutes.
%ss%current date time2 digit seconds.
%s%current date time1 digit seconds.
%SSS%current date time3 digit milli-seconds.
%SS%current date time2 digit milli-seconds.
%S%current date time1 digit milli-seconds.
%ccccc%counter5 digit counter.
%cccc%counter4 digit counter.
%ccc%counter3 digit counter.
%cc%counter2 digit counter.
%c%counter1 digit counter.
%date%current date timesame as %yyyy%%MM%%dd%.
%time%current date timesame as %HH%%mm%%ss%.