Hakatter Template
You can create Hakatter Template by yourself with a little bit knowledge of XML.
You can also build a Web site to serve to distribute Hakatter Template files. Here is a sample.

The sample of Hakatter Template is like below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- This is a XML. -->
<hakatter><!-- The topmost item is hakatter. -->
	<!-- An UUID. generate the values with  uuidgen on Mac or GUIDGEN on Windows.
	 Provide one UUID for each Hakatter Template files.
	 If you want to generate UUID on Windows command promt. Please refer this VBS. -->
	<title>Geiger</title><!-- The title of the file. The value is required. -->
	<author>Toru Kageyama</author><!-- AUther name. Ofcourcse you do not have to use true name, if you do not want to. :-) -->
	<dateformat>MM-dd-yyyy H:m</dateformat><!-- A date format. Explains in detail here. -->

		<!-- The item defines a rows appears in input table of the application.
		 Each attribute means followings.
		 type attribute float A decimal value. Numbers, . + and - inputs are allowed.
		                integer An integer value. Numbers, + and - inputs are allowed.
		                strting A character string. No input limitations.
		 label attribute The label of each input lines.
		 initialunitindex attribute An initial index of unit for each input lines.
		                            An index is assignes in order of <unit> item inside <units> item. The first <unit>'d index is 0.
		                            Assign -1 to the lines which do not require units.
		 required attribute Assign true to the input lines which values input are required. All characters must lower cases. If other string are assigned, the input lines are not input required.
		<input type="float" label=RadioActive initialunitindex="0" required="true"/>
		<input type="integer" label=Abobe initialunitindex="3" required="true"/>
		<input type="string" label=Desc. initialunitindex="-1"/>

		<!-- The units of measured values. You can assign 0 or more.
		 The values are selectable at unit selction view. -->

		<!-- The tags. Do not give # for each items. You can assign 0 or more. -->

	<!-- The sentence of the Tweet. The most important part of this template.
	 <You can write XML prohibitation character strings in between ![CDATA[ and ]]>.
	 This item's value are contained with character strings and template flags. The example of template flags are here.
	<template><![CDATA[Values %value[0]% %unit[0]% %label[1]%%value[1]%%unit[1]% %date% measured at %landname% %value[2]% %twitpic% %urls% %tags%]]></template>

		<!-- URLです。
		 start with protocol strings http:// or https://. 
		 We strongly recommend to use URL shorten service like bitly. -->

Please use above as your sample.
The character set must UTF-8 and do not give BOM.

Date formats
GThe Christian era. AD.
yyyy4 digits Christian era.
yy2 digits Christian era.
MMMMThe full format of the month. January, February ... December.
MMMThe short format of the month. Jan, Feb ... Dec.
MM2 digits of the month. 01, 02 ... 12.
M1 digit of the month. 1, 2 ... 12.
dd2 digits of the day of month. ... 31。
d1 digit of the day of month. 1, 2 ... 31.
EEEEThe full format of the weekday. Sunday, Monday ... Saturday.
EEEThe short format of the weekday. Sun, Mon ... Sat.
aaAM or PM
HH2 digits of the hour in 24 hour format. 00, 01 ... 23.
H1 digit of the hour in 24 hour format. 0, 1 ... 23.
hh2 digits of the hour in 12 hour format. 00, 01 ... 11.
h1 digit of the hour in 12 hour format. 0, 1 ... 11.
mm2 digits of the minute. 00, 01 ... 59.
m1 digit of the minute. 0, 1 ... 59.
ss2 digits of the second. 00, 01 ... 59.
s1 digit of the second. 0, 1 ... 59.

Template format flags
%label[index]%The label attribute of <unit>item of <units> item will set. The index is the index of <unit> item of <units> item. The base index if 0.
%value[index]%The value of the text input on the value input talbe on Hakatter application will set. The index is the index of <unit> item of <units> item. The base index if 0.
%unit[index]%The value of the unit button on the value input talbe on Hakatter application will set. The index is the index of <unit> item of <units> item. The base index if 0.
%date%The date will set. date format is follows format assigned in <dateformat>.
%landname%The value of reverse geo code of iOS device will set.
%twitpic%The URL of uploaded image which gave from Twitter image services is set. Currently we support Moby an TwitPic.
%urls%All values of <url> items of <urls> item are set.
%tags%All values of <tag> items of <tags> item are set. We provide # for each tags.

Generate UUID in Windows command prompt.
Generate a vbs file the content is like followings. In this document, the file name is uuidgen.vbs.
set obj = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Mid(obj.GUID, 2, 36)
Input a command in Windows command prompt.
C:\> cscript //NoLogo uuidgen.vbs
The generated UUID will shown in Windows command prompt.
We have prepared the zip file which contains the vb script file and batch file here. Please download and use as your reference.
You can use the files in zip file. But we do not compensate for the damege of use of the files.